Oh, the stories we tell…

For as long as people have walked the earth, they have shared their stories. Their struggles and their dreams. Their heartaches and triumphs. Their wonderings, misfortunes, and blessings.

Storytelling connects us all in a never-ending array of patterns, colors, and textures.  Woven into its marvelous fabric are moments of insight, the truth about what it means to be human.

Our community of storytellers gives voice to such moments. We believe that everybody has a story to tell . . . a story that needs to be told because someone needs to hear it. Someone needs to know they are not alone and that, somehow, everything is going to be okay.

We are all specks of a species clinging to a rock that is hurtling through space at 67,000 mph. When we laugh together, weep together, and cheer one another, the journey isn’t so scary.

We can make the most of the time we have. We can share the stories of our lives and celebrate the things we have in common. We might even be so bold as to hope we can change this world for the better, one story at a time.

Let all truth be told.